Chatfield Park & Recreation
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Pool Policies

  • Storms
If a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning is issued, for either Fillmore or Olmsted County, the pool will immediately close.  If thunder is heard or lightening seen by staff the pool will immediately close until one half hour after the last thunder is heard or flash of lightning is seen.  If it is after 3 p.m. the pool will close for the remainder of that session.  If it is after 7:45 p.m. the pool will close for the night.  If heavy rains are present, the pool will clear until the rain is passed.
Family Swim Family swim will only be cancelled because of inclement weather.  Reminder: Family swim is for families, parent or guardian (18+) must accompany child.
  • Temperature
If the noon temperature is not at least 65 degrees according to the Rochester International Airport, the pool will not open for the afternoon session.  Opening for the evening session will be re-evaluated at 6:30 p.m.  Exemptions will apply for swimming lessons, water aerobics and family swim.
  • Unsafe Conditions
If a condition that is not safe is found, the pool will close until the situation is corrected, or directed by the state health department standards.